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A man cave is a private space where you can freely pursue your interests and indulge in your vices. It provides personal space for much-needed me-time, particularly if you have a large family and busy days, as well as a strong selling feature for potential buyers. The finest part is that the aesthetics are completely within your control. So, whatever weird or unusual design you choose, you can have it all.

What PCC Offers?

  • Detailed Designs & Plans

  • Custom Designs as per your preference 

  • Custom Built Furniture

  • Ambient Lighting

  • Wall Arts

PCC Promise!

The entire PCC team is dedicated to creating a personal space that is made with high-quality materials and provide the best possible service to each customer.


Unique Design


Custom Furniture


Ambient Lighting


Personalized Art Work


On Time Delivery

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Skilled Workforce

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Budget Friendly


Quality Workmanship

Man Caves

When it comes to creating a man cave, imagination is key. For the bar, seating, games, entertainment, and even décor, you'll need man cave ideas. That's why we've compiled this collection of tips and design ideas to make your pals envious.

Types of Man Caves

Unique feature that a man cave have is it doesn't require specific place or an area to be constructed. Any Empty Room, Basement, a shed etc. can be transformed into a space you always wanted. We have listed down some common Man Cave styles & ideas that will go well in your private space. 

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Garage Man Cave

Make a cool man cave out of the garage and put all that extra room to good use! It's a clever idea that gets you out of the home with little effort, and you have your own private retreat at the end of each day (or on weekends) that blends comfort and serenity.

Why they're Loved?

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Most Popular Style

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Larger Space

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Easily Accessible by Everyone

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Pool Tables, Mini Bar, Kitchens etc.

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Reduced Noise in the House

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Basement Man Cave

A man cave in the basement has become a popular choice. It has plenty of space, is separated from the rest of the house, and has excellent acoustics. Whatever style of man cave you choose — a theatre, game room, bar, or a combination of all three – the basement is the ideal location in your home.

Why they're Loved?

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Trending in Home Owners

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Easy Access (Within Home)

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Cost Efficient

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Suitable for All Age Groups

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Perfect for Gaming or Theater Room

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Detached Man Cave

Many clients create their 'caves' in an extra room in the house, but confinement to four walls isn't the only choice. Taking your man cave outside may be the ideal option, since it will provide you with extra space as well as plenty of fresh air.

Why they're Loved?

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Large Space

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Increased Privacy

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Easy Installation

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Personalized Themes

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Perfect for BBQs and Gatherings


PCC can Help!


Not sure which design would be best for your property? Or have anything else on your mind? 
Get in touch with us via
Phone: +1(604)554-0962; Email:
Or simply fill in our request form, and one of our experts will be in touch with you. 

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